Jay Parker – Tell Me What You Need ft. Frank Bentley

Chess Players and Poets artist Jay Parker is thrilled to release his new single “Tell Me What You Need” featuring Frank Bentley.

Not a stranger to being introspective, the rapper and clinical mental health student breaks down his intent with the song.

“One of my favorite lines from the track discusses the idea of playing make-believe; I used a metaphor to say the person whom I’m speaking to is behaving like a Christmas tree. Shinning and lighting up the living room, garnering attention and accolades, however dying in the process. I believe that as image-bearers, we all long for connection and true relationship; this song is a call to examine those relationships and our tendency to run away from the uncomfortable aspects of life itself.”

Listen to Jay Parker Below:


Justin Sarachik
Justin Sarachik
Justin is the Editor-in-Chief of Rapzilla.com. He has been a journalist for over a decade and has written or edited for Relevant, Christian Post, BREATHEcast, CCM, Broken Records Magazine, & more. He's written over 10,000 articles, done over 1,000 interviews, and is in post-production for documentaries on Danny "D-Boy" Rodriguez & Mario "Machete" Perez. He's the project manager of the upcoming video game Run the Court and of the media brand Crimefaces. Justin likes to work with indie artists to develop their brands & marketing strategies. Catch him interviewing artists on Survival of the Artist Podcast & creating videos on his social media channels.

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