KB Declares the Oppressed as Champions

KB’s rebellion was declared in 2017. Kevin Burgesses called for a rebellion against sin, and a lifestyle of godliness. After releasing his album Today We Rebel, KB followed it up with a smash single entitled “No Chains,” continuing the theme of a fight for freedom. Now, with his new track “Long Live The Champion,” KB declares the people of God as champions. However, the rebellion is not over.

“Long Live the Champion,” asks believers, particularly those in the United States, to reflect on the way they treat marginalized groups such as immigrants in the nation. With scathing bars such as “How you love a country’s food more than its people/Cause I think you hide behind your politics” and “You do not want answers, you want arguments,” KB takes aim at the intolerance found in the nation.

Despite the oppression faced by many Hispanic/Latino groups in the United States, GabrielRodriguezEMC, on his verse of the song, reminds this community that they share a sense of unity because of God’s word. This verse is all the more meaningful as EMC shouts out several nations that are facing real struggles including Cuba, Chile, Nicaragua, Argentina, and Bolivia.

As KB returns for a third verse on “Long Live the Champion,” he applauds the bravery of men and women who choose to live lives of joy in spite of insurmountable circumstances. KB also briefly mentions the death toll in Puerto Rico, stating, “Puerto Rico many bodies never claimed here.” As the verse goes on, KB points out the hypocrisy he sees in those who go on vacations to countries whose people they are hateful towards.

Put simply, he is calling for American believers to be more sensitive to the pain of Hispanic-Latino groups. If we are truly to be called one kingdom under God, we are in need of brotherly affection towards one another, no matter the backgrounds which differentiate us.

The track finishes with KB delivering an outro which sends a hopeful message of God outlasting earthly issues, and the believer’s job being to extend the same love that God has granted us to our neighbors. The final bar of “Long Live the Champion” reads, “Arriba campeón” which, translated into English means “stand up champion.” It’s an emphatic message for the rapper to leave his listeners with.

Watch KB Below:

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Elijah Matos
Elijah Matos
Elijah Matos is a Puerto Rican born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. When he's not studying for class, serving as a youth leader, or writing articles, he's usually working on his personal brand, Rey-David Creative. Elijah hopes to be a creative writer, using his platform to spread the message of Jesus as far as possible.

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