Free Album: Swoope – Because You Asked

Because You Asked is a project that Swoope offers to his fans and family on the hills of his Sinema release. Swoope followers demanded more after hearing Sinema. And ‘because they asked,’ he is offering this project as a gift to all those who have supported him along the way.

This project addresses many things from the Mike Brown situation, to the neglect of the word of God, to the honor of work, to the need for unity in the Christian community. “Because You Asked” will challenge the head, as well as the heart of any listener. Get ready as these bars from Swoope are far from cliché.


Follow @MrSwoope on Twitter.

Chad Horton
Chad Horton
Chad Horton has been in the music business since 2000 with a focus on digital distribution, streaming, playlisting, and social media marketing. Chad is currently a Partnership Producer at working with clients such as Blizzard Entertainment, Google Pixel, and more. Chad also owns and operates Originally from Northern California, Chad became a San Diego resident in 2004 where he currently resides with his wife and children.

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