Stephen the Levite ‘The Last Missionary’ album cover

After a debut full length album ‘To Die Is Gain’ in 2006 with Lamp Mode Recordings, a great deal of feature spots as well as an EP in 2010, Stephen the Levite is releasing his highly anticipated 2nd full length album. ‘The Last Missionary’ will release on April 24th, 2012 on Lamp Mode Recordings.

Chad Horton
Chad Horton
Chad Horton has been in the music business since 2000 with a focus on digital distribution, streaming, playlisting, and social media marketing. Chad is currently a Partnership Producer at working with clients such as Blizzard Entertainment, Google Pixel, and more. Chad also owns and operates Originally from Northern California, Chad became a San Diego resident in 2004 where he currently resides with his wife and children.

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