Video: Preston Perry & Jackie Hill Perry at RHETORIC 2014

RHETORIC 2014 was amazing, to be expected. The event sold out and at around 3,400 and had to turn people away at the door. If you missed the highly anticipated performance by Jackie Hill-Perry and husband Preston, then you are in for a real unique and creative treat entitled “The Fall”.

Adam and Eve let sin change the history of the world. At first their inclination was to accuse one another. Hear Preston and Jackie take us into the fall and how through humility and forgiveness, no sin is too great to reconcile.

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Chad Horton
Chad Horton
Chad Horton has been in the music business since 2000 with a focus on digital distribution, streaming, playlisting, and social media marketing. Chad is currently a Partnership Producer at working with clients such as Blizzard Entertainment, Google Pixel, and more. Chad also owns and operates Originally from Northern California, Chad became a San Diego resident in 2004 where he currently resides with his wife and children.

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