The Fatherhood Challenge

The Fatherhood Challenge is a national contest for youth and young adults starting at the age of 13. Contestants compete for cash prizes and a trip to Washington D.C. by expressing what fatherhood means to them by creating a song, photo, video or a short essay.

Most fatherhood initiatives focus primarily on the adult population. This fatherhood challenge is one of the first initiatives of its kind which takes a preemptive approach by creating fatherhood awareness among teens and young adults utilizing the power of social media and emerging technology.

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Chad Horton
Chad Horton
Chad Horton has been in the music business since 2000 with a focus on digital distribution, streaming, playlisting, and social media marketing. Chad is currently a Partnership Producer at working with clients such as Blizzard Entertainment, Google Pixel, and more. Chad also owns and operates Originally from Northern California, Chad became a San Diego resident in 2004 where he currently resides with his wife and children.

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